RPC Howto
1 硬件适配层
管理网卡,分流(Flow Bifurcation or Flow Director):
- 传统网卡
- RDMA网卡
- 智能网卡
2 网络层
- 内核Socket, epoll;
- 用户态TCP/IP, mTCP;
- RDMA网络层;
- Multipath管理;// 建立,拥塞,负载均衡;
- 鉴权认证;
- ShareLink
3 传输层
Crc, Compress, Encryption;
4 协议层
Serialize, Deserialize, Packets.
5 接口层
Channel, Client used to submit a RPC to RPC core.
6 Example
6.1 Client
Protobuf service client.
class RpcChannel : public google::protobuf::RpcChannel { void CallMethod(...) override { // do some task, then dispatch to RpcClientCore. } // Non-virtual new method (fast service) void CallMethod(uint16_t serviceId, const FastRequest &req, FastResponse *resp, Closure *done); }; void Write(RpcController *ctrl, const ReadRequestPB &req, ReadResponsePB *resp) { // protobuf framework RpcChannel channel; // channel can be cached to reduce cpu. mRpcClient->OpenChannel(addr, &channel); IoService::Stub stub(&channel); SyncClosure sync; stub.Write(ctrl, req, resp, done, &sync); sync.Wait(); // parse response and/or update ctrl. } void Write(RpcController *ctrl, const FastRequest &req, FastResponse *resp) { // protobuf framework RpcChannel channel; // channel can be cached to reduce cpu. mRpcClient->OpenChannel(addr, &channel); IoService::Stub stub(&channel); SyncClosure sync; stub.Write(ctrl, req, resp, done, &sync); sync.Wait(); // parse response and/or update ctrl. }
6.2 Server
Protobuf service server.
void Start() { RpcServer server; server.RegisterService(&mIoService); server.Start(); // start receive packets from network. } void Write(RpcController *ctrl, const ReadRequestPB &req, ReadResponsePB *resp, Closure *done) { // Write Task: // parse and check request // then do Write task, then fill response. int result = doWriteTask(ctrl, req, resp); resp->set_result(result); done->Run(); }
7 References
- https://grpc.io/
- A high performance, open source universal RPC framework
- From google
- https://github.com/apache/incubator-brpc
- An industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances(not counting clients) and thousands kinds of services. "brpc" means "better RPC".
- From baidu
- Hadoop RPC
- https://github.com/apache/hadoop/tree/trunk/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/ipc
- Seastar
- https://github.com/scylladb/seastar
- SeaStar is an event-driven framework allowing you to write non-blocking, asynchronous code in a relatively straightforward manner (once understood). It is based on futures.
- (no term)
- Fstack
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QUIC
- (no term)
- Flow Director/Flow Bifurcation
- NIC->FlowDirector->DPDK->CustomizedStack->APP
- https://doc.dpdk.org/guides-20.02/howto/flow_bifurcation.html
- RPC 实战与核心原理
- https://time.geekbang.org/column/intro/100046201?tab=catalog