Fuss, Futexes and Furwocks: Fast Userlevel Locking in Linux


1 Author

1.1 Hubertus Franke, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, [email protected]

1.2 Rusty Russell, IBM Linux Technology Center, [email protected]

1.3 Matthew Kirkwood, [email protected]

2 Abstract

Fast userlevel locking is an alternative locking mechanism to the typically heavy weight kernel approaches such as fcntl locking and System V semaphores. Here, multiple processes communicate locking state through shared memory regions and atomic operations. Kernel involvement(卷入) is only necessary when there is contention on a lock, in order to perform queueing and scheduling functions. In this paper we discuss the issues related to user level locking by following the history of ideas and the code to the current day. We present the efficacy of "futexes" through benchmarks, both synthetic(合成) and through adaptations to existing databases. We conclude by presenting the potential future directions of the "futex" interface.

3 Introduction

LinuxTM1 has seen significant(重要的) growth as a server operating system and has been successfully deployed in enterprise environments for Web, file and print serving. With the deployment of Version 2.4, Linux has seen a tremendous boost in scalability and robustness that makes it now feasible to deploy even more demanding enterprise applications such as high end databases, business intelligence software and application servers. As a result, whole enterprise business suites and middleware such as SAPTM,WebsphereTM, Oracle, DB2TM2, etc., are now available for Linux.

For these enterprise applications to run efficiently on Linux, or on any other operating system for that matter, the OS must provide the proper abstractions and services. Enterprise applications and applications suites are increasingly built as multi process / multithreaded applications. Multi-threaded applications can take better advantage of SMP hardware, while multiple processes allows for higher degrees of fault tolerance, i.e., a single process abort does not necessarily bring the entire application down. Furthermore, applications suites are often a collection of multiple independent subsystems.

Despite their functional separation, the processes representing these subsystems often must communicate with each other and share state amongst each other. Examples of this are database systems, which typically maintain shared I/O buffers in user space. The buffers are concurrently accessed by various database engines and prefetching processes.

Access to such shared state must be properly synchronized through either exclusive or shared locks. Exclusive locks allow only one party access to the protected entity, while shared locks allow multiple reader – single writer semantics. Synchronization implies a shared state, indicating that a particular resource is available or busy, and a means to wait for its availability. The latter one can either be accomplished through busy-waiting or through a explicit /implicit call to the scheduler.

In traditional UNIXTM3 systems, System V IPC (inter process communication) such as semaphores, msgqueues, sockets and the file locking mechanism (flock()) are the basic mechanisms for two processes to synchronize. These mechanisms expose an opaque(不透明的) handle to a kernel object that naturally provides the shared state and atomic operations in the kernel. Services must be requested through system calls (e.g., semop()). The drawback of this approach is that every lock access requires a system call. When locks have low contention rates, the system call can constitute a significant overhead.

One solution to this problem is to deploy user level locking, which avoids some of the overhead associated with purely kernel-based locking mechanisms. It relies on a user level lock located in a shared memory region and modified through atomic operations to indicate the lock status. Only the contended case requires kernel intervention. The exact behavior and the obtainable performance are directly affected by how and when the kernel services are invoked. The idea described here is not new. Some of the foundation of this paper are described in [4], [7] and [6]. In [2] the impact of locking on JVM performance is discussed.

In this paper we are describing a particular fast user level locking mechanism called futexes that was developed in the context of the Linux operating system. It consists of two parts, the user library and a kernel service that has been integrated into the Linux kernel distribution version 2.5.7.

The paper is organized as followed. In section 2 we describe the basic behavioral and functional requirements of a user level locking mechanism. In section 3 we describe some of the earlier approaches that led to the current design of futexes and the futexes themselves. In section 4 we provide a performance assessment(评估) on a synthetic(合成) and a database benchmark. In section 5 we elaborate on current and future efforts and in 6 we conclude.

4 Requirements

In this section we are stating some of the requirements of a fast userlevel locking mechanism that we derived as part of this work and that were posted to us as requirements by middleware providers.

There are various behavioral requirements that need to be considered. Most center around the fairness of the locking scheme and the lock release policy. In a fair locking scheme the lock is granted in the order it was requested, i.e., it is handed over to the longest waiting task. This can have negative impact on throughput due to the increased number of context switches. At the same time it can lead to the so called convoy(护航) problem. Since, the locks are granted in the order of request arrival, they all proceed at the speed of the slowest process, slowing down all waiting processes. A common solution to the convoy problem has been to mark the lock available upon release, wake all waiting processes and have them recontend for the lock. This is referred to as random fairness, although higher priority tasks will usually have an advantage over lower priority ones. However, this also leads to the well known thundering herd problem. Despite this, it can work quite well on uni-processor systems if the first task to wake releases the lock before being preempted or scheduled, allowing the second herd member to obtain the lock, etc. It works less spectacularly on SMP. To avoid this problem, one should only wake up one waiting task upon lock release. Marking the lock available as part of releasing it, gives the releasing task the opportunity to reacquire the lock immediately again, if so desired, and avoid unnecessary context switches and the convoy problem. Some refer to these as greedy, as the running task has the highest probability of reacquiring the lock if the lock is hot. However, this can lead to starvation. Hence, the basic mechanisms must enable both fair locking, random locking and greedy or convoy avoidance locking (short ca-locking). Another requirement is to enable spin locking, i.e., have an application spin for the availablilty of the lock for some user specified time (or until granted) before giving up and resolving to block in the kernel for its availability. Hence an application has the choice to either (a) block waiting to be notified for the lock to be released, or (b)yield the processor until the thread is rescheduled and then the lock is tried to be acquired again, or (c) spin consuming CPU cycles until the lock is released.

With respect to performance, there are basically two overriding goals:



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